Fred n george
Saturday, September 20, 2008


N lvls in 8 days time!!!

pray i could pass all my other test man...

hah last week i was damn sway....
kenna HSA, caught smokn in school toilet...
pray i wont kenna fine!!

last week,
we played with fire at the hill!
quite fun...
dont asked bout my hair...
got force to cut this crappy hairstyle...

haha gotta mug alrdy ciaos.
cant blog much these few days...
continue aftr my Ns aite!?


Thursday, September 11, 2008


wahhh this post i dedicated to JESUS!!!


cause i nearly got caught for possession of rocos!!!

ok damn it amy n fuckme asked me to run outta school
so i thought about it...
n being a dim-witted, i agreed n DAMN!!
we got caught
i have a lighter in my boxer n a pack of rocos in my bag
on my way to the office,
i prayed...
if i survived this incident, ill blog out n THANK GOD!!!
n not so surprisingly, it came true!!
it was a real close call man...
im nvr gonna try any of these kindda stoopid stunts every again...

haha ok these few days im fuckin down of blessings man...
i think its because i slept in services
ystd got caught for chabot-ing school..
n 2day THIS!
gotta repent n seek forgiveness!!!

N lvls coming up man...
gotta mug hard, drink more bacardi, smoke and pray!!!

haha blog till here then


Sunday, September 7, 2008


didnt post much cause last week was Ns...
haha next test's in 2 weeks time
gotta fuckin mugg lyk siao!!

haha aite ystd was bible quiz...obviously we screwed it up..
aftr the outdoor segment, i was slpin in the canteen
and damn....someone took a pic of me!!!

2dae went to church,
the service was good...
slept thru out the whole service!xP

haha n guess what!!!???
I've GOT A FAN!!!

he kindda lyk my song...
this is hes reply to my vid
check it out...

haha ok post till here then

checkin' out