Fred n george
Sunday, July 27, 2008

ernest, me n daniel
face of constipation!

Group shot!

Fab, why so serious?


i wanted to blog ystd man...but i was too lazy so
here i am blogging 2day!

aite ystd what happend?
went for ice skating with alot of ppl, too many so lazy name all....
we took some photos, it was fun...
aftr skating we went for supper then went home....

haha n i hope 2mro everything will be alright,
i ran away from school on thurs n didnt went school on friday
i dont know how deep's the shit im in...
but all i know is Jesus will help me get outta it scott free!!!

n yea aftr all the efforts, u finally take up the courage man!!!
"somehow i fell into you" all the way la brother X!!!!
tats the way man, u got my support always aite!?
n if u got her, get me a drink uh!!!!???

aite, im bouncing off now

checkin' out

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Todays mood: down down down
(the reason for puttin my mood up, i saw ppl doin it...just follow for fun!)
racial harmony day, took some photos

nth much only took those photos during study parade...
haha Jesse finally came 4 study parade aftr so long!!!
Asshole dont pang seh us on Sunday again arh!?
or else choose fred or george?

ok what happend in school 2day, nearly whack an asshole, cant believe he got away just lyk dat*
nvm there will always be a better day man....someday

then aftr school went dwn to northview to 2 help afiq with the prob....
then went 4 fuckedup clb....

Aite heres my promise, if anybody dare to make fun, insult or lay a finger on any of my close friends or brothers.....they'll meet fred, he(fred) dont care even if its a girl or what...just give only....MX COMBO!!!!

ok i dont bear grudge aint i just post what ever goin thru my mind....
so no hard feelins if u see this aint!? U know who u are

checkit, i downloaded this is our god album, so if any1 wans the song just look me up aite?
review on the album: Rock my Socks

haha finally, aftr so long, i read my daily bread!!!
Im gonna put all my hope in the lord man...
I pled his blood on my sio-ing habit...
So soon, ill quit this habit n break my chains!!!!!!

checkin' out

I dont know why
but i cant get u outta my head...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

wad happend 2day...woke up early went 2 church with fab, jesse, xiaowei, kenny, nic, sob, tim

aftr church went 2 bras basah 2 see guitars, then went 2 watch the dark knight with fab, xiao wei n nic.
u gotta catch it man...the movie is damn nice....

Ok this the part where my balls really shoot up 2 my stomach, aftr the show, we was walkin bck to 200+ thn i was thinkin to smoke....suddenly, i see 1 police car infront of me...thn the police ask us to go there, they screen our ic's n all...really Thank God they nvr check my pockets....i got a pack of rocos the best part its balls shoot up into my throat man......Really Thank God!!!!

aite ill write till here 4 2day,
have school 2mro, racial harmony shit....

checkin' out

Thursday, July 17, 2008
celebrating friday!

Yea Babe!!! 2daes thurs u know wad that means....2mros FRIDAY!!!

wads dere to be happi about? fridays the last day of school n the start of the weekends!!!!
which means, longer slp, can go out more n can go church on sunday!!!

aite wad i did 2dae....skipped school again, pete came my hse, sio, sio n sio
aftr school periods ovr, i n pete meet up with brandon9(xiao wei), david, proy3, willie4, kenny1, robert8(uncle bull) n nicky7(ma bro).
We played blck catchin man... the best part is, i played it with my broken toe....
haha ovrall it was damn fun....

Ive decided to re-write the lyrics 4 "nothing at all-ronan keating" into a christian version lyk hw new creation did that i could use it as a worship song 4 parades n camps man...haha the reason y i nvr use the ncc original lyrics, i cant find it!!!

haha aite i really hate those kindda twits who types lyk"what ishhh ueee doweein nowish" its fuckin sick... damn it! attention seekers chao chee bye..... haha damn random but true......

ok 2mros gonna be a long day 4 me man....
so im boucin outta here

checkin' out

It'll all get better in time...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

ok checkit...
2dae i skipped school, pete 2...he came my hse early
the reason 4 skippin school....axelle said hes not goin school 2dae
then pussy juice.....he went 2 school, when i saw the sms 2 late i was alrdy late 4 school

aftr slackin, smokin n school periods ovr, i meet axelle 2 sio hoonkey 4 awhile
thn i went 2 town with xiao wei, pete, david, willie, uncle bull, shiquan here r some of the fotos we took...aftr tat came bck 4 study parade..

i hate ppl showin me attitude ovr nth...
u know it especially when the moods all happy, ur laugh ur dick off when some1 just come in acting lyk they know it all, lyk hes the king of the world....chao chee bye...but theres something tat can really make me more du lan, thats getting criticise or being called stoopid indirectly...

haha ok no insult but if u think im stoopid, jus look at urself in the mirror n tell me whichs better, being stoopid or being ugly? muahahahaaha! hws tis, im insultin u indirectly without u knowin it....see hw fun it is?
i know wad im doing man...u dont know, so shut up

ok thats bout it
my post 2day means no insult or anything
n its not indirectly shootin any1
jus statin the facts
n if u think its u,
dont think 2 much dude
takecare n ciaos.


that was when i rule the world...

Saturday, July 12, 2008
Sunday sweet sunday!


its sunday man...n its my moms happy bday mom...although she'll nvr see tis, its still cool....

ok wad i did 2day.....woke up 7am went 2 church n slept in service....
aftr service went to catch red cliff with fab, proy, nic n xiao wei!!!
haha u gotta catch red cliff man...its fuckin nice, the fights scenes r solid, the storyline is damn nice....wont spoil a single bit of the movie so i wont say much bout it....
aftr the movie went to meet my parents 4 dinner...the food was fucking zai, eat until damn full...the funniest part was NIC!!! my younger brother, he eat until damn full then go outside 2 puke!!! damn funny....ya n the sweet wine was damn zai...

im cutting dwn on my sio-ing alrdy, dont wanna die young...
soon ill be smoke free!!!!
I realise something n wanna thank God 4 it....he really bless me with talents man i dont know why, but these few days ive been composin quite alot of songs, christian n all work out quite well...Praise the lord man...

aite 2mro deres school...finally im able to go school again!!!
so i gotta go slp early man....

checkin' out

Ur grace is my prove
Ur hands, they heal
Ur blood, it washes away my sins...

Friday, July 11, 2008

Hey YO wadsup!!!

im back with my 3rd official post!

aite...wad happened 2dae...skip school, sio, sio, sio, visit bob, buffet....

ok heres a treat 4 all of ya postin my composed song here in my blog!!!
i composed it 2 weeks ago, i was thinkin of a song 2 compose 4 some1 n these melody just came in my mind man....dont mind the dressin 4 it was nt planned...
its called caught my eyes....its a love song(suppose 2 be)...the meanin, i dont really know man....but its still cool ive even added the lyrics to turn ur volume higher, pause the cocky song in my blog and check it out!!!!!

caught my eyes-lyrics

everytime you give that cute smile girl u know
u make my heart melt
whenever i talk to u girl u should know
my whole world stops

cause u have caught my eyes baby girl
i cant figure out why
i wont deny girl that im
im in love with u

i wanna win ur heart girl cos you've
already won mine
as long as living gal u shuld know
ill be waiting for you

so now take my hands together we'll fly above
we'll watch the sunrise and sunset n u'll find
that my sky is yours

together we'll watch the sunrise n sunset girl n
u'll know that im yours.

hope u niggas lyk it!!
come back 4 more aite...i might be postin my other songs 2....
credits to fred n george, cos they was doing most of the playin.
n of cos credits to irene...she helped me with the video posting and all..

checkin' out

hope u lyk it cos its compose 4 u...

Thursday, July 10, 2008
The Goatee

DIGADY check urself before u rack urself!!!

aite...i woke up this mornin n e-mailed my fucking project to my home econ teacher.
thn i was bored, i was rottin in front of my com listenin to was thn when i realise and discover something extraordinary.....i hav goatee on my chin!!!! This discovery was shockin 2 me, i nvr knew i would have a goatee.....i suspect its bcos of the last few days of rottin that causes me to grow this goatee...

ok and my aint gettin better its still bleedin none stop lyk a punani
wahhh bua tahan..the whole of 2dae....i didnt get 2 sio...instead
i spend my whole day dwldin new songs to spice up my life!!!!
yea so if ur lookin 4 songs u can come up 2 me man...i have lots of it.... goin to Thank God 4 his doin 2dae...although its another boring day...but look on the bright side still alive!!!

ya n here r some random fotos which i think its needed....jus 2 make my blog look more lively.
so yea check it
tats all 4 2dae niggas...

checkin' out

I'll come back when u call me....

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Day 1

Ok....hw do i start....ya...
im jon5
welcome to my blog
2days my first day of bloggin
the only reason im startin this blog is bcos i broke my toe n im fuckin rotting at home, without Rocos!!!!
aite...wad happened 2day...
i woke up, n realise i was stuck at home.
i managed 2 get outta my hse n go 2 school 2 do my fuckedup home econ project....n im still in the process of doin it...
thank God 4 pete n tom(annoymous)...they save my life 2dae...pete shared with me half of hes precious roco, although its only half a stick, it was still respectable...n Tom thanks 4 the pack of really saved my life 2dae man...u know ur not gettin any bits of the remainin rite!?

I really wanna thank Jesus 4 the little things he done 4 me...lyk providing me with ciggs n helpin me with my school n all...I know the ciggs part sounds stoopid but its true...soon he'll help me to quit this habit 2...
oya n finally....credits to iman 4 helpin me with the blogskins n all...

checkin' out